Enriching Before And After School Programs Enabling Children To Pursue Their Interests - KLA Schools Walnut Creek

KLA Schools Walnut Creek

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Enriching Before And After School Programs Enabling Children To Pursue Their Interests

The learning provided in traditional schools do not focus on building their students’ interests or passions. This affects the development of their individuality, creativity and personalities. So they fail to lead a vibrant life on growing up.

Educators are greatly concerned about such a disturbing pattern prevalent in the traditional schools which needs to be replaced with a fruitful and innovative learning approach that emphasizes upon building students’ creativity and individuality. If children are motivated to explore, discover and learn about things in a meaningful and playful manner from their early years, this would make them passionate about learning. They can lead a dynamic life later and can become thoughtful, constructive and responsible citizens of tomorrow. 

KLA Preschool Walnut Creek has already taken a step ahead in this direction and is granting children innovative learning opportunities like Walnut Creek Before & After Care Programs and art workshops in their preschool years. KLA Schools’ committed educators have been greatly influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach which focuses upon providing children with a supportive and safe environment for promoting exploration and discovery in them and for building their interests.

KLA Schools promotes children’s artistic development by letting them participate in art workshops which are held in its uniquely designed classrooms. Their stimulating look and feel spurs children to explore and experience various natural and man made materials. So they can gain an improved understanding about them and can further enhance their understanding about them while learning to express themselves creatively and spontaneously. To promote further building of their interests, KLA Schools provides them with a conducive, relaxing and a home like environment. Its environment becomes a teacher for children.

To foster development of children’s social, physical, emotional and cognitive abilities, KLA Schools organizes innovative Before & After Care Walnut Creek Programs. These let children take part in meaningful, fun-filled and interesting activities. They perform them under the close supervision of certified instructors. Their activities are adequately documented for providing information which enables children to revisit and reconstruct their experiences, ideas and understandings later. Through documentation, parents come to know about their child’s learning process.

As they nurture children’s interests, teachers perform various roles like being a facilitator, researcher, co-learner and observer. They guide and motivate children for arousing their curiosity and for fostering learning in them. Parents also play an active role in their child’s learning process.

By granting children enriching learning opportunities like Before And After School Programs and art workshops and by providing them with a stimulating and nurturing environment, KLA Schools promotes the building of their interests and abilities. Here teachers, parents and the community; all work together for children’s development. Innovative learning provided by KLA Schools would help to make children purposeful, thoughtful and responsible citizens of tomorrow. Having built interests of their own, would let them lead a dynamic life in their coming years.

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